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Health and body bite suit

Occlusion therapy

And occlusion is that the teeth bite together. "And also eat rice, I have to bite the teeth together is not a problem" "I have regular teeth from the right," It might be thought not only the first symptoms do not actually bite properly fit not often.

Will cause a bad bite suit

More bite worse due to the inherent (genetic) and acquired an (environmental) can be broadly divided into things.

Cases of congenital causes include:
Innate skeletal problems

Cases of acquired causes include:
Finger sucking
Bye cheek
Mouth breathing

In addition, poor balance and remain in the upper and lower jaw, the following happens.

Worsen the balance of the muscles around the jaw joints and jaw
Worse the balance of the body, the body symptoms
Get a pain in the jaw
This is similar to the walking shoes of different heel height.
Of a healthy body, "It's not even it can no longer walk, or good enough," I just keep walking, and eventually became a sore knee, sore back and should soon get tired of the whole body is numb.

Symptoms come together because of the bite

Temporomandibular disorder

There are a variety of causes.
"Just one bite that day "
"Remain missing teeth"
Such as the collapse of the entire balance of the bite from these, as well as distortion of the face and shoulder stiffness, systemic adverse effects will arise.
Has a major impact on dental bite. But teeth are healed, and a bad bite, I had some that have undermined the health of the body.

Called indefinite complaint symptoms

Headache, stiff neck, stiff neck and back pain, symptoms may be called indefinite complaint.

Go around the ear symptoms

Ear pain and tinnitus, and hearing loss and dizziness, symptoms may appear around the ears.

Mouth-related symptoms

Teeth and tongue pain, altered taste, dry mouth and difficulty swallowing food, and may appear in the mouth-related symptoms. Jaw is not just simply move vertically and horizontally, and then chew the food very complex movements. When we eat breakfast, was conveyed to the brain stimulating the teeth, jaw muscles that move the brain to "Make this a moving jaw," it tells. Bite suit and a bad, bad stimulus conveyed to the brain, the brain, "according to stagger the bite!" And tells the muscles of the jaw. Then, tired from a shifted jaw jaw muscles, neck muscles fatigue, headache, as it may be tired shoulder muscles. Raised shoulders to follow the tired muscles, tilt the head to balance the minutes went to the shoulders, spine and hips also affected, it also affects us and come out of the body distorted pelvic also. The pressure on the nerve where the distortion of the body, like other people might also come out the symptoms.

All the symptoms listed above, and only caused by the bite does not necessarily fit. Various elements involved in the complex, which might have systemic symptoms have appeared. However, if you have gotten better but Tameshita any other treatment, may have been overlooked because of the bite suit. We fit a good bite, and bite them right fit When combined bite is the ideal state of teeth in contact at all. Somewhere in this one (or few) does not contact the teeth of all teeth in the way, even clean-looking teeth, even if it is correct and the suit is not really bite. When we eat breakfast, then eat the best food in bite-friendly place. Or due to obstacles in the way teeth, bite or due to difficult places, where if you have pain, you chewing away from it. That chewing or biting Nikukunai sore where is the shift from an original position that the jaw means. Continued state of tension in muscles and joints of the jaw position changes gradually becomes a problem to come out. Biting the most prominent location, the state of being equal to the original position of the temporomandibular joint and can say with a good bite and Inquiry.

Prevention is the most important
The materials covered in hot filling and tooth decay if teeth. Whenever it changes the bite suit. Once teeth are missing, must be taken from the place of lost teeth, bite suit changes each time. And develop severe periodontal disease, tooth becomes loose is weak from the gums, bite suit will also change. The bite suit that has changed, or is prone to tooth decay is bad teeth, periodontal tissue burden, and make it easier to lose a tooth or more. Most say that it is important to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. And periodontal disease and tooth decay, can be cleaned under periodic medical examination, it is possible to prevent it. Lifestyle have tooth decay and gum disease, no bad habits and try to bite suit, receiving regular check ups at the dentist's office once every few months, please protect your teeth.

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